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New, Looking for Pike!

18K views 12 replies 6 participants last post by  slayerfish 
#1 ·
I'm new to the area of Broomfield/Boulder and looking for local spots for Pike! I fly fish and also spearfish! So would be looking for places to spear them at! I eat anything I kill! Thx guys!
#2 ·
Sorry to tell ya but you won't get much info here for spear or bow fishing! Not real popular topic here especially for pike. We stress conservation of pike here pretty much as the big ones are few and far between and the ones most of us know of we protect!
#9 ·
play stupid games win stupid prizes…. Drive over to Nebraska and you will find plenty of pike lakes. The pike in Colorado have been targeted for removal by the division of wildlife for decades so your catch and kill spearing aspirations are a little tone deaf. I suggest you look into carp if you’re looking for spear or bow fishing opportunities around Boulder county.
#10 ·
Unless you are chasing carp bow/spear fishing, no one here will give you info. Fish, especially larger fish, are under a lot of pressure in Colorado. Nebraska and Kansas have a lot more water, and a lot less pressure, so that is why you'll get told to go there. Also you got to earn trust, good luck repairing that now.
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